CiuisCRM System Requirements PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0, 7.1,7.2,7.3 (7.3 is recommended & 7.4 is not yet supported) MYSQL 5.1+ mod_rewrite Apache MBString Extension GD Extension MYSQLi Extension PDO Extension OpenSSL Extension Zip Extension CURL Exten...
How to install your Licence? The very first time you try to login to the app, you will be redirected to the licence verification page.. Enter a valid Envato Purchase Code and click on Verify. After verification, you will be redirected to the log...
OTA Updates
How to update the CiuisCRM app? from the Settings page, click on the Version Check icon . Select the Check for Updates button. If a new update is available, the current version number, new version number and the changelog for the new version ...