2.5.1 How to manage System Settings?
1. The "System" tab can be found in the settings page as follows.
2. Click on the "System" button to view information about the installation.
3. Click on the "Uninstall License" button to unlink the license key from the installation.
4. Click on the "Debug" button to upload any updated system files in case of an error.
5. Click on the "Editor" button to access the Editor function.
2.5.2 How to manage Security Settings?
1. The "Security" tab can be found in the settings page as follows.
2. Two Factor Authentication: Enable or disable Two Factor Authentication
3. Accepted File Formats: Enter the file formats you want them to be accepted
4. Allowed IP Addresses: Enter the IP Addresses you want them to be allowed
5. Push State: Enable or disable Push State
6. Voice Notifications: Enable or disable Voice Notifications
7. Execute MySQL Query: Enable or disable Execute MySQL Query. If the function is active, a new card will be shown in the tab "System".