1.1.1 Overview of main panel/landing page

1. After logging into the sales account, you will be granted by the following screen

1 The left hand display is showing all of your sales details as a summary

2 The right hand display is showing al recent actions, as well as time and date

3 The top right icon bar gives you the following productivity options (left to right)

a Search

b Timer

c To-Do list

d Notifications

4 The profile sections will give you the option to change your personal details, picture and password, as well as showing your onsite visits and appointments

5 Log out button

6 Main Menu

7 The "gear" icon will provide you with a customization option to personalize the look of SuiseCRM

8 The "globe" icon provides you with the option to change you language

9 Current version of SuiseCRM and change log version.